<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Hi everyone, it's LuLu,</div><div><br></div><div>Wanna play? Huh, huh, huh, wanna play??? All of a sudden all I want is to play play play and guess what? No one will play with me. And ... my foot itches. I got caught itching it this morning and had to wear the soft cone (of shame) for a couple of hours. It is a medieval torture device. The momPerson took it off when I had breakfast and I haven't messed with the itchy foot since.</div><div><br></div><div>Dr Heddin called. She is the best vet ever. She knows exactly what to do with a clueless momPerson. So, she called today and said "Hi Dale, how's LuLu?" And the momPerson told her I have been doing the happy dance ever since I got my teeth cleaned. And Dr Heddin told
the clueless momPerson that I had a sore mouth and that was why I was a little sad before and now I want to go, go, go. So the momPerson told her she really brought me to the Dr because of the little bump. Sigh. She knows that you clueless momPerson you .... and the Doctor told the clueless momPerson what she already told the clueless momPerson umteen times .... the bump was just a bump. Pathology came back and it wasn't cancer and it wasn't precancer and it wasn't infected and it was a big fat nothing that Dr Heddin says I probably got by stepping on something which cut my skin. Then my body made a lump around whatever it was and whatever it was was long gone so just the encasing was left terrifying one clueless momPerson and baffling one equaly clueless newbie vet!! Actually, it's possible that he is EVEN worse.</div><div><br></div><div>Dr Heddin says I'm healthy and I'm really lovely and to go ahead and do the
happy dance now.</div><div><br></div><div>More later from LuLu with the ever clueless momPerson (who really does try) and Snoopy (who curated some chicken soup earlier today and has his own tale to tell ... suffice it to say he needed a bath and so did the kitchen) and Cyrus (who has absolutely no comment whatsovever)</div><div style="position:fixed"></div>