<font color='black' size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>
<div><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>Momma here. I have to ask this as I have no clue. I finally have my sister using the blue powder ear treatment on her not a basset crew. She was shocked that this worked so well--none of us are, but then we own bassets--the correct breed----but she asked me this, can you use this on cats ears?? I dont know-I know nothing about a meow--I told her I would put it out here to the pro's and ask. Is this okay to use on a meow???</div>
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<div>Thanks in advance--<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both"><FONT color=black size=2 face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT color=black size=2 face=arial>
<div>Debbie Winchester <br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to <br>
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, <br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake</div>
<div> Sister Bessie, The Younger</div>
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