.hmmessage P
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HGE is Hemorrhagic Gastro Enteritis~ in english that means your hounds' degestive tract is really really peed off! They will urk from both ends and if it gets bad enough, it'll be just blood coming out at some point. Elvis had this starting on thanksgiving day and we really think he wouldn't pull through. He had a nasty case of it- and the cause of it was never determined. I was not going to let him go to the vets as I thought he was nearing his end... he was treated at home with IV fluids, pedialyte and antibiotics. It took four days before he could keep anything down. Needless to add- he recovered ( and has managed to have a few other thought-to-be-his-end illnesses since).<BR>
Sending lots of drool to your baby!<BR>
Angelika<BR> </div></body>