<div>Bugsey here! We have power! We have power! That means we are back home in our own house with our own mom and dad. We have our own water to drink and our own backyard to play. Dad even set up the sprinkler yesterday so we could play in it. Browyn pretty much hogged the water as usual. We finally got the power back on Wednesday, but we were at the vet's. The vet was closed. So mom and dad couldn't get us. Dad said he was glad because he didn't need our help cleaning out all the rotten food out of the house. Pretty much everything was lost except for our food. Mom keeps all our specialty flours, homemade dog biscuits and dehydrated snacks in the freezer so they last longer even though they are shelf stable (not sure I know what that means, just repeating what mom says). All I know is we have half a freezer full of our food. We did lose my tuna treats and banana chips. They were in the freezer attached to the fridge and eveerything in there stank so bad it all went...even mom's special chocolate coffee. </div>
<div> </div><div>Mom here. I am with Marlene. I wish I had someone help me when I have a migraine. The heat, going back and forth from our friends who keep the house very cold to ours with no power and no a/c, stress, etc., really brought on a horrible one and I was cleaning out fridges and freezers. I really thought I was going to puke. I persevered though. I managed to geet food and the dogs on Thursday. Stayed in bed Friday through Sunday except for letting dogs in and out, washing laundry and making meals. Today I am back to feeling almost human. The dogs better watch out. Pretty soon I will be whacking off toenails (before drinking wine) and bathing them, and then drinking wine. </div>
<div> </div><div>Jennifer, momslave, to Beauford, Bugsey, and Browyn</div>