<font color='midnightblue' size='2' face='Comic Sans MS, sans-serif'><font color="midnightblue" face="Comic Sans MS, sans-serif" size="2"><font color="midnightblue" face="Comic Sans MS, sans-serif" size="2">Hi...it's
mememe, Delilah Belle. It's just me and Dozie here with the slabes
now. My sister Daisy Belle and Dudley lib with Auntie Melinda in Ohio,
wherebber that is. I miss my sister. Dudley, not so much. He made a
LOT ob noise doing the barkie fing. Anyroo, I habbed a BIG advensure on
Firecracker Day. Yes, I did. Mama calls me a scaredy dog. I guess I
am but I can't help it. I just am. I speshully don't like mens who I
don't know. You nebber know what dey mite do to a pretty houndette.
Well, on Firecracker Day we had not one or two or eben three mens come
to our house. No siree...we HAB FOUR mens come inandout and inandout
for a LONG time. I gotted reely askeered so I runned away on a
advensure! Our new house is close to the woods where some REELY good
smells are which I smell on our walkies. Bunnies and dose fings what
look like dey hab on Da Halloweenie masks...and dose fings wif da white
tails which dey put up in da air when dey runs away. Yup...so many good
smells and not enuf time to smell them on walkies. But, it was reely
HOT on Firecracker Day...and I missed my Mama and Dadslave and eben
Dozer, da bigmouth who I heared doin' da barkie, barkie, barkie in the
backyard. So, I followed my snooter and camed home, all bymyself, yes I
did! Mama and Dadslave were SO happy to see me! They were worried that
I had run away forebber and ebber. Nope...'cuz here at my home I hab
nice soft beds and fings what go roundandroundandround what make it nice
a cool for taking a nappie unner, and treats...and greenie beans and
yogie cups with leftober yogie in em...an' well, you get da idea.<br>
I don' fink I am goin' on any more advensures...at least not for a LONG time...<br>
Lub and snooters,<br>
Delilah Belle Basset<br>
Half of the Dynamic Duo - formerly of the NJ4<br>
Mama here - Yes, Delilah was spooked by the movers and I was terrified
that she wouldn't be able to find her way home, or worse, if she got
lost, no one would be able to catch her because she is so afraid of
strangers. Thank Dawg and the prayers and drool which went out on her
behalf she found her way home after about an hour and a half - hot,
tired and thirsty. </font></font></font>