<div>Hello Droolers, I have been a lurker on the Drool for the past few years, but do check in regularly to keep up with my virtual hound family. It is with a very heavy heart that I write today out of grief for my beautiful Buckley, a BROOD foster failure that was with me for three years. I am wracked with guilt over feeling that I sent this amazing animal to the bridge too soon. Buckley's arthritis was so severe; I had him on 150 mg of Rimadyl supplemented with Tramadol to keep him mobile. On days I back down, his back legs weren't even aligned with the rest of him. I knew we were in trouble when he started drinking loads of water and urinating in the house. I am so sick with myself for yelling at him when he did that; it wasn't his fault. The vet said we were looking at a number of things, none of which were going to be easily treatable, and could be symptom-managed at best. </div>
<div> </div><div>What is so hard is that of all my hounds, he was my most loyal. Buckley never let me out of his sight, wherever I was, he was. The way he looked at me with such trust and love is not something I will ever forget.</div>
<div> </div><div>There are so many things I wish I had done differently, and am kicking myself harder than anything for what I feel was knee-jerk reaction. What an amazing, amazing hound. I'd do nearly anything to have him right here on the couch with me today.</div>
<div> </div><div>Sad, sad ahroos,</div><div>Lisa</div><div>with Baloo, Zoe, and Buckley ATB</div><div> </div>