<div>Well, I should have known better than to tell every one how great Bugsey was doing. Ragweed season has started over here. I don't know if it is the start of ragweed or the after effects of z/d fiasco, but Bugsey is turning into a Mexican Hairless dog. His stomach is bald. He still has hair on top, but it is shall we say thinning rather rapidly. Luckily he is not a sunner. We have taken him off of the benadryl and pred and are starting him on Atopica. So far so good. He isn't throwing up, but it is too soon to see if it will do any good. I am more fortunate than Marlene. Bugsey's skin is intact. He is not scratching. In case you are wondering, we did check his thyroid and it is fine. Liver and kidney are good to go. I guess in the grand scheme of things there are a lot worse problems than having a hairless dog. The ear swelled shut, but there is a new medicine you can pack the ear with like the BNT, but it has a more potent topical steroid and it worked like a charm.</div>
<div> </div><div>The enduring part of all of this is as hot is it is Beauford has decided that Bugsey much be cold. So, he keeps checking Bugsey out and if he thinks his little brother is cold, Beauford covers Bugsey in a blanket.</div>
<div> </div><div>Jennifer, momslave to Beauford, Bugsey, and Browyn</div>