<div>Beverly and others commented on feeding their older dogs whatever it takes to keep them eating. It made me cry. Not because they're wrong, but because they're so RIGHT! The last few months with Beethoven took me down that very same path. And in the end, when he quit eating anything at all, no matter what, only then was it time to let him take the path to the Rainbow Bridge. But he didn't go alone - he was close on the heals of the sheltie he raised, who had left just a few days before. So while it was a sad time for me, and still brings tears when I think about it, I know just how right you are. </div>
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<div>Beethoven and Dreamer pretty much always ate whatever I gave them. Maggie ate that, and everything else! So now that I'm working with a dog that sometimes won't eat, and is always slow about it, and I'm constantly dragging Maggie away from his bowl, I'm sure missing the old "scarf pack". But Dexter's weight is good, his energy level is good, so I'm not worried. (Neither is the vet.) After Maggie leaves - which will be much too soon, since she's 14 this year - I'll try again to find kibble that Dexter will dive into with the gusto that I'm used to seeing in my dogs. If not, well, I'll just coax him along, keep him eating, and love him for who he is.</div>
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<div>And while Leia doesn't always eat everything I put down for her, she's round enough that she doesn't need to :)</div>
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<div>Tim n' Puppies</div>
<div>Maggie d'Earest, </div>
<div>Leia Round,</div>
<div>Dexter Doodles</div>
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