<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Hi all, it's Snoopy here,</DIV>
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<DIV>We had some excitement here yesterday evening. My people were sitting down to dinner and they suggested LuLu, Gracie and myself to excuse ourselves to the yard. Then, they shoved me out the back door because I was still standing there after the ladies had departed. Harumph! We have a lovely yard with a patio with rugs and loungers and a grassy area part of which is shaded and flower beds and vegetables and such. Then they settled down to eat.</DIV>
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<DIV>LuLu noticed that the gate to the side yard had been left open when the clueless momPerson picked up the yard. So LuLu went in there to climb the trellis and see if she could get herself tangled up in the Jasmine (again). Well, that always gives the clueless momPerson a heart attack so I followed her to provide much needed supervision when I noticed that the second gate (to the front) was not latched .... Natalie has trouble with it sometimes and she had been riding her bike at the park .... anyway I jimmied it open and set all 3 of us FREE.</DIV>
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<DIV>We were romping. We were frolicking. We were charging around when suddenly that dratted neighbor (Nicki) from across the street called out "Snoopy do you want to play?" She's a sneaky neighbor, that one, she NEVER wants to play but she always claims she does and when I trott over there to play with her she grabs my collar. EVERY SINGLE TIME. She has three little kids and one of the little ones tricked Gracie the same way ..... "wanna play?" And then Nicki sent another one of the little kids over to ring the bell and announce that the hounds were loose. </DIV>
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<DIV>My whole family came charging out the front door!! Gracie and I were already on (borrowed) leads but LuLu wouldn't let anyone grab her. Just as the clueless momPerson called her a car turned and headed down our street. Now, our street is only one block long and dead ends at both ends of the street and no one dares to drive down our street who doesn't live here (too many kids and dogs on this street, we could put up a beware of vicious momPersons sign but we don't need it, EVERYONE knows). It was a neighbor .... and momPerson says she isn't speaking with them because even though they slowed down to about 5 MPH when they saw her and LuLu in the street they did NOT stop the car and so they were driving and LuLu was running along side the car and the car was MOVING and momPerson was telling the neighbor to STOP while she got the dog. But they just drove on home and finally LuLu ran up onto the grass to Natalie and was
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<DIV>It was all very exciting.</DIV>
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<DIV>More later from Snoopy </DIV></div></body></html>