<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Hi everybody, it's Gracie here,</DIV>
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<DIV>Wow. One month ago nobody cared anything about me at all and I got pushed out of a car and they drove off and left me and another overbred female basset just standing there helpless. One month ago on the 8th.</DIV>
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<DIV>And now it is one month later and I have a mommy (she is a MOMMY Snoopy, NOT clueless and NOT a momPerson.... shhhhhhh .... Snoopy she is so she is my MOMMY ..... shhhhhh) anyway I have a Mommy and a Daddy and two hoooman sisters who love me and cuddle me and hug me and kiss me and call me baby. I have my LuLu who takes care of me and plays with me and knonks me if I act up and snuggles me and lays butt to butt with me. And, I have Snoopy .... who thinks he is alpha but he is NOT alpha, LuLu is alpha and she'll knonk him too if he gives her half a reason. It's ok, Snoopy loves LuLu and LuLu loves Snoopy and I love them both, even though Snoopy can be pretty snarky sometimes.</DIV>
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<DIV>And Droolers. ALL the droolers love me, it feels so good, I have a whole drooler family and everybody loves me!!! I wouldn't eat and people in South Africa worried and sent suggestions. I didn't feel good and people in Europe sent get well wishes. I went potty in the house and people sent all kinds of hints and suggestions and a drooler even told my mommy to call her so she could help mommy understaned why I made mistakes and help me feel better. And guess what? I am doing fine. Just fine. I even got my bath and ears cleaned yesterday ..... I didn't think I wanted that done but it felt pretty good actually. This morning we all got up and we all snuggled and then my mommy (she's MY mommy Snoopy, she can be YOUR clueless momPerson) turned us all out and for the very first time I went out on the grass and peed with the other two at the same time instead of being stubborn and going privately
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<DIV>I am happy and loved and I have a family and friends and everything is just peachy. And now I think I'll go have a nap.</DIV>
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<DIV>Gracie .... with LuLu (who loves me to pieces) and Snoopy (who barks an awful lot when he plays and it scares me a little but I still play with Snoopy)</DIV></div></body></html>