<font><font face="verdana,sans-serif"><div><br>Llewis and Conley go out.</div><div>It is still dark.</div><div>I hear the first tenative yelp which means either Llewis has his foot caught in something, or it is their "Whoa! What're YOU?" yelp. I decide it is the latter and am putting on my shoes when all hell breaks loose. Uh hunh. Whoa: what're YOU? it is.</div>
<div> </div><div>Flashlight, leashes I head out the door trip on the mat that is out there and fall flat on my face. The flashlight flies across the deck. I smell skunk, altho not heavily. Not like if the "what're you"? was a skunk. I crawl to the flashlight.</div>
<div> </div><div>Conley has heard the very loud THUD and OOOOOOOOF. He is headed my way so whatever "you" is it must be well out of reach. I somehow get to my feet using the picnic table. Llewis of course is still at the back fence bellowing. I stumble out to the fence where llewis greets me happily and without a leash follows me into the house. I have seen nothing.</div>
<div> </div><div>I go back out. I avoid the mat. Later I will perhaps soak it in gasoline and torch it, the little bastard. (This is not the first time I have had my feet grabbed by that mat.) I look everywhere and find nothing, am about halfway into the house when I turn and shine the light into the tree at the back fence and get two little bright dots. Eyeballs!!</div>
<div> </div><div>It is a large and rather pretty raccoon, high up in the tree. We stare at each other for a long time. I wish him well,promise to keep the dogs in for awhile, and ask him/her not to try to nest in our attic again. Please.</div>
<div>I shut the door.</div><div>I haven't been back out, nor have the boys. Maybe around noon......</div><div> </div><div>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis and Conley</div></font><div></div></font><div></div>