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<DIV class="text_exposed_root text_exposed">Pawtunia here. Begging.</DIV>
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<DIV class="text_exposed_root text_exposed">We really, really would like to help the homeless hounds of Senior Houndsabound. They are ALL really old and need the money. My slave went there and took their pictures, pawsonally. She is not a techie but managed to do a website and put some of the old hounds pictures there! (Wishes her cell phone had a dial) .... XB and I have stolen some of the finest basset crap we have ever assembled.......really, we never put together 10 things like this before and offered them for woofle. Us have begged, groveled, wheedled, played dead, made nice and b*tched at each other. Our beloved senior buddies, Elvis and Miz Bailey have asked if you could help.We gots nuffin left we can think to do. <BR><BR><A href="http://www.bassetslave.com/" rel="nofollow nofollow" target=_blank>http://www.bassetslave.com/</A>#<BR><BR><BR><SPAN class=text_exposed_hide>...</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV class=text_exposed_show>We are very grateful to everybody who has bought tickets, but there are a nickzillion of ya who haven't!! All the nice people who have 'liked' our stuffs, but not woofled, please.....please do it. We have way less than any woofle we've ever done......and are sad. (Will post sad picture.) Our woofle runs till midnight tomorrow......If ya got a few pennies, please vote for us. If ya don't, please tell your friends who might have a few pennies!!<BR><BR><A href="http://www.bassetslave.com/" rel="nofollow nofollow" target=_blank>http://www.bassetslave.com/</A>#<BR><BR><BR>Pawtunia</DIV></SPAN></div></body></html>