Well it seems everyone's hounds (Gracie Woodrum & gracie Rutz) were acting up yesterday, so maybe I shouldn't feel so bad. But let me first start with my thoughts yesterday, pre-misconduct. <br><br>Dale wrote the other day that Lulu is a perfect basset hound, and she asked "Does anyone else have a perfect basset?"<br>
<br>So I'd been thinking, "well Cowboy is our perfect one". We always say so, and he is just so darn cute. Plus he's always been minimal trouble, other than howling his head off. He's never really peed in the house, or chewed stuff up. And he rarely if ever counter cruises. But as I thought about how perfect he is, I thought, "Oh well that's not really fair to Rupert." I mean he has his issues - obsessed with lights and reflections, needs to be touching us as often as possible, hogs the bed, barks his face off (which btw is way worse than Cow's howling). But basically I was telling myself that Ru hasn't done anything destructive in a few years and really should be considered near-perfect also.....<br>
<br>So, we make dinner last night. BLTs. I have mine in front of me on the coffee table (yep, we are that couple who piles crap on the dinner table, and eats in front of the TV instead, lol.) and I'm grabbing a paper towel. Still sitting there, mind you. Right in front of my sandwich. And Mr. Rupert just casually approaches and grabs the sandwich right off my plate, pulling it to the floor, cauing it to come open and spill its contents on the rug. He grabs the bacon and just starts eating. Right in front of me!!! All the while I am yelling no, and trying to salvage my sandwich and save the bacon which he has a firm grip on as it dangles out of his mouth. He wasn't even phased by me yelling or smacking his snout - just kept on munching. <br>
<br>I salvaged most of the bacon and the rest of the sandwich. And I ate it despite having pulled it out of Rupert's flews. (YUCK!) And he stared at me the whole time. Not one ounce of guilt either- just regret that he didn't chew faster. <br>
<br>So much for 2 perfect bassets. (Cowboy, btw, just laid by the table, waiting patiently for anything we purposely or accidentally dropped.)<br><br>Kacy with Cowboy (yep, I'm perfect) and Rotten Rupert (guess I should start using my OEBE title again... mom thought we were past that? Bahahaha!)<br>