<font color='midnightblue' size='2' face='Comic Sans MS, sans-serif'>Debbie - My heart goes out to you and Sister Daisy regarding her "we don't know which kind of Cushings" she has. Poor ol' gal. She needs a break, as do you. Isn't it funny how intuitive the rest of the pack is sometimes? Snooters to your crew from ours, especially Sister Daisy. Prayers from the Mamaslave that they will discover what will work best to treat her. And hugs...'cause you need one.
<div>Dale - I have been meaning to say how happy I was to read that the Dadslave has completed nearly a year of chemo and is doing well. Dawg bless him, that's a LONG road. I love reading your daily report on your crew's antics. Basset really are something, aren't they?</div>
<div>Marlene - Thanks for passing along the meningitis info. I hadn't heard this and will pass it along. How are Maggie Wags' allergies? Hopefully somewhat better with the cooler weather.</div>
<div>Heart healing drool to all who have lost a houndie and healing drool to all who need it.</div>
<div>Delilah went for a recheck on her eyes. The horrific redness has subsided and overall they are much better. She has a bit of residual corneal edema, however, in the left eye so she has come off the NSAID drops and will continue the antibiotic with the addition of a steroid drop and some saline drops as well to pull off the edema. She remains besotted with Dr. H. He plays with her ears and strokes her head while plying her with treats before he picks up his otoscope to check her. She likes that he has no problem doing all this sitting on the floor so she can lie safely under my legs with just her head poking out. She (and I) thanks all who e-mailed or FB messaged me about her.</div>
<div>Enjoy your weekend, everyone.</div>
<div>Sandi, Mamaslave to Delilah Belle - My pretty eyes are almost better - <span style="font-size: 10pt; ">and Dozer - I like that we BOTH get treats after she gets her eyedrops, hehehe </span></div>