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<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>The boyz know the common commands, Sit, Stay, NO,
Leave it, Outside, Inside. They also know Bedtime (where they go to the door for
final potty breaks then come inside afterwards and go to their kennels to await
their bedtime cookies. We don't close the kennel doors because the whole
room is theirs. They also know dinner, breakfast & Kennel (they
are only put in the kennels when the bug man comes or another repair man that
has to go in and out of their room. This is to keep them from triping him
and costing me a lawsuit, or to keep them from "helping". They know Belly (they
roll over to give up the belly for either pets or wipe downs), Cookie, No-Mine -
in a growling voice when they stick their noses in my plate. And of course they
know their names and nick names (monkey's, chunky monkey, Boo, Mini Moos,
etc) They know walk, and are starting to know the code name for walk as
"the W word". They know "wanna go" as wowoooo is it a walk, go to the
cookie store or is it to scrub a pup or the vet? Colt gets excited and Ruger
gets a little paranoid, but is just too curious to see where "wanna go" is going
to take them? They also know "No bark" but that usually goes out the window when
the squirrels start running back and forth between the Crepe Myrtle and the
swamp oak. I know that the little ba$*%#D's are doing it just to get the dogs
barking so that I will come out to get them, and bring them into the
house. I Have to try to be considerate of neighborhood peace and
quite. OHHH and they defiantly understand the word chicken, as in chicken
jerky treat. When they are have a momentary episode of hearing impairment
of me calling thier names I just yell "Chicken" and all of a sudden they can
hear again, ears perk up and its like "what was that? ooohhh Say it again"
so I do and they come barreling through the yard and dang near knock me down
getting through the door, stop on a dime and sit and wait for their jerky
treat. They understand when I put on certain clothes that it means that I
am leaving and going to be gone for some time. When I put on my military
uniform or my scubs or dress clothes Colt gets pouty, and both know when I am
about to walk out the door and they go sit by their treat cabinet awaiting their
good-bye, I love you treat. They also know that when Dad puts on his
5-toed shoes that Dad is taking them for a walk. They know that when the
suit cases come out that someone is leaving for a long time, and they know by
which suitcases it is who is leaving..Pouting ensues. They know our body
language, they know when we are sad, and then start acting silly...especially
Colt. They know when we are mad and just seem to stay out of our way...the only
time that they are out of the way. They know and sense alot more then they let
on, I'm sure. </FONT></DIV>
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<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Love & healing drool to all the sick or injured
hounds and humans</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Michele Momma to the Bad A** Basset Brothers who
are out on squirrel patrol in the back yard at the moment.</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Women are Angels...And when someone breaks their
wings..They simply continue to fly....on a broomstick...They are flexible like