<html><head><style> body {height: 100%; color:#000000; font-size:12pt; font-family:Arial;}</style></head><body>Goods mawrning,<br><br>Dis be Edmond Dawd and I be grumpy! Last night I be getting in my snuggles wif momma. We sit on da cawch and she let me rests my snooter on hers lap. I takes a little snooze and then sumfing flicked my snooter! I wake up and looks a momma and she be laffing! I be confuzzed.<br><br>Sending lub and drools to eberybuddy!<br>Love,<br>Edmond Dawd & Kimi<br><br>Let me explain for my little basset buddy. Edmond was trying to sleep on my lap last night (which there seems to be less and less of these days). His nose was resting against my baby bump and the baby kicked right where his nose was! I wasn't sure he felt it until he woke up and looked at me. He was so confused and I thought it was hysterical! See.. they are bonding already :)</body></html>