I was remiss in posting yesterday but am still in disbelief so have to share. On Saturday night James brought home an extra tri tip from the restaurant where he bar tends. It was out on the counter all evening and not a hound touched it. <br>
<br>Sunday morning I sliced off some small shavings and mixed it into the boys' breakfast. A few hours later when I returned to the kitchen the steak was not on the cutting board. While you all see where this is going, at the time I merely assumed the dadslave had put the meat away. <br>
<br>We went on with our day and celebrated the Giants winning the world series. At a friends' house that evening we were offered dinner and declined, stating that we had some tri tip at home to finish up. After coming home, still upbeat about the Giants win, James goes to heat up some meat for dinner and casually asks where I put the tri tip...."I didn't put it away, you did!" "No, I didn't put it away, I thought you did." <br>
<br>Hmmm, so all day we both assumed the other had put it away when in reality the hounds must have snatched it after eating their breakfast. Tricky little hounds since they both had no problem eating treats throughout the day and demanding their dinner that night. <br>
<br>We are both still in shock that they pulled this one off. While James blames Rupert wholeheartedly, I think they must have conspired together or we surely would have heard some fighting and barking during the meat-eat-off. <br>
<br>Either way, we all went to bed happy that night. Dogs with full bellies; slaves as happy baseball fans, albeit slightly hungry baseball fans.<br><br>Tri tip drool to all,<br>Kacy with Cowboy and Rupert<br>