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<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Director Ruger Woofing in. We are sending dry
out drool to the Eastern Seaboard. We pray that all of our drool family
that live in the path of the super storm are all ok and that your homes are okay
too...but mainly that all the drool hounds and familys are safe. We love
you guys!!! NY, Maine & NJ especially the Shore
looks pretty bad from the tv pictures...Momma has tears in her eyes because she
has seen such devastaion down her in Florida from past hurricanes. Again
our hearts, prayers and drool go out to all of you up north. Daddy said
that his National Guard brothers (NY Pararescue team) should be out rescusing
those that need help and some of the other rescue teams might be going up
there to assist as well. ASTT HQ is waiting patiently to hear a
status check from all of our hound brothers and sisters.</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>The weather has cooled off again here in the FL
panhandle. It is awesome hound walking weather, and the best part that is
that it is finally cold enough that momma finally had to put
long pants on and cover up those ghostly white legs of hers. Dad on
the other hand is still sporting his shorts...has to get below freezing for that
abonimal snow beast to put his long pants on. Momma says that he is
part Yeti! Colt & I just think that he is a freak-azoid!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>In other news, last week Colt and I had a terrorist
squirrelistan! Colt was right on his tail and chased him right into my
jaws...unfortunetly the rhinocerious could not stop his charge and run head
long into me just as I had the mini terrorist in my jaws of steel. The rhino
head butted me, making me see tweetie birds long enough to relax my death grip
on my prisoner and the chattering little *!$%^@ was able to scury away, and up a
tree to safety. I told momma that Colt needed to be taking to the vetman to get
new break shoes installed and crash bag on his head! OHHH. And momma
is threatening to get a sniper rifle with a silencer to join us in our war on
the squirrels. They are now coming up onto the patio to taunting Colt & I
while we are inside our HQ. Chattering and switching thier bush little
tails at us on the other side of the patio doors...Driving us mad with killer
instinct...and almost tearing down the vertical binds in an attempt to get at
them. DEATH TO the Terrorist Squirrelistans!!! Sorry...lost my
composure for a minute. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Anyhowl. Heart healing drool to all the families
whose beloved hounds have made the Journey to the bridge. Especially
Auntie Wendie & Auntie Pat and the Bounders, heart wrenching couple of weeks
there. Remember we loves you and that your houndies lived out their senior
days in the laps of luxury, their at castle dela Bounder. May all of the
travelers to the bridge live forever in the loving memories of their
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Ruger Director of ASTT </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>ASTT HQ Florida Gulf Coast</FONT></DIV>
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