<div style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 12px">Queen Xandy Bear here! It has been brought to my attention that my dear friend Duke Elvis' Centennial Woofle is, well, how shall I put this politely...hmmmm....ah yes...Duke Elvis' Centennial Woofle is SUCKING WIND! As you may be aware, the Duke has a special place in my heart and although his fondness for me may border on obsession and I often refer to him as Hound Hefner due to his...ah...over enthusiastic affection for me( ho...ho...ho...ho) WE must remember that he is OLD, his back legs do not work, he is dealing with various other ailments and YET...he is taking time out from his very busy nap schedule to try to raise moolah for the homeless hounds of Droopy. I have done my fair share of fundraising myself and it is exhausting-whipping the slaves into a frenzy to get the items collected, taking pictures and setting up the website, collecting moolah and sending tickets. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to keep a slave's focus on accomplishing a Woofle and making certain they remember to feed us? Utterly exhausting, right Queen Pawtunia? PLEASE go to this site <A href="http://www.bassets2.moonfruit.com">www.bassets2.moonfruit.com</A> and look at the lovely items up for raffle. Thirteen wonderful prizes including basset crap and clothes for humans and hounds. A fabulous basset quilt made by Elvis' slave. A beautiful Boucher basset hound pin. The blondeslave collected a few several years ago and only this year was able to part with one for the Old Queen's Woofle and now a second one is up for grabs for Elvis' Centennial celebration. If you wanted it last time and didn't get it you have another opportunity. I daresay another Boucher pin won't be pried out of her hands for quite awhile. The Centennial celebration ends 11/29/2012 so there's not much time left. Won't you PLEASE help Elvis celebrate his Centennial in a VERY BIG way? After all, it's unlikely that he or well, even WE, will be here for a Bicentennial celebration. Be one of the lucky ones to say you were there and helped Elvis celebrate on that special day. Make certain that every WOOF of his counts for the homeless hounds of Droopy basset rescue!!!</div>