Hubby and I just got back from a wonderful vacation in Scotland, followed by a cruise back to NY. The 3 bassets were in the care of their big 2 legged sister at home (and for a few days with their favorite dog sitter, again at home.) While we were away, I was constantly looking for a basset fix, but found none. There were 10 dog on board the QM2, but no bassets. We missed our babies. <div>
When we walked in the door, I expected 3 whining, running, barking and howling bassets all delighted that their beloved slaves had returned. NOOOO, I came home to MacKenzie and Guinness having a big snarl fest over some turf issue. Then our daughter showed us Guinness's latest projects. Project one: Those 70's and 80's photo albums just have to go. Without tearing any pictures (a miracle), he chewed through 3 photo album covers - one of which is wood. Everywhere you look in the library - chips of photo album. His second project - the "pumpkinator". He has been steadily taking little bites out of the pumpkins on the front porch. I left them out for Thanksgiving. Apparently, I didn't realize that fall decorations must be removed and Christmas decorations put out. He chewed enough of the pumpkin to get it through the dog door and onto the hallway rug. There, he proceeded to shred the pumpkin EVERYWHERE. So I ask, is this his way of showing how much he missed me OR is it his way of showing me that my fall decorations are out of season. Was he trying to help? He's always rearranging pillows. Do I have a decorator basset?? Time to vacuum. He hates the vacuum. I think I'll start by his bead!</div>
<div><br></div><div>Julie, slave to MacKenzie (it was his fault), Gallagher (so glad Mom and Dad are home) and Guinness (where's that Christmas tree?)</div>