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<DIV>About 2 weeks ago my Daisy decided to taste test a bathroom throw
rug.....Just about 1/2” of the edge...I grabbed it from her and gave her my most
severe “shame on you look”. Well, the next morning she was walking in kind
of a hunched position. I thought she had done something to her back so I
called the vet and we went to the Doc’s office right away. They X-rayed
her back but also got her stomach and intestines...She had 2 small wire looking
objects in her intestines. Needless to say, surgery was that
afternoon. The two wires were really the backing from the bathroom throw
rug. I started checking my throw rugs and door mats around the
house. In place of heavy thread for strength on the back of these rugs, it
seems more and more manufacturers are using a very thin wire in place of
thread. Surgery was $1500.00 with a 6 inch incision since the wires were
embedded in 2 different areas of her colon. Just thought I would let you
know about this as over half the carpet in my house is sewn with very thin
wire... Hope this maybe will head off another potential