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<div><font style="background-color: transparent;" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Momma here. I finally have Jakes biopsy report back, viral papillomias. No cancer. Doc said to keep him on the meds we have him on and watch-he said there were 3 pathologists that consulted on this and the reason it took so long was that they could not decide how to classify this gob of goop. It would only figure--Jake is a Winchester Dog--he has been a learning tool shall we say with his strange illneses. He goes back next week for another blood panel, blood pressure check to see what this low thyroid is doing. </font></div>
<div>Brudder Elwood goes in tomorrow for toebone chopping. He is long overdue and trust me, he will not be thrilled when the bowl does not hit the floor in the morning. I told him if he could act like a normal dog and let us cut his nail, we would not have to go thru this. </div>
<div>Bessie the Younger is also now due for her annual check up--I have not made that appointment yet, as I am sure Daddy will demand to be there and hold her paw. </div>
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<div>So this has been a great day--Jake is going to be okay, I won a wonderful woofle prize-I was flat shocked there--and they called and said Daddys car will be repaired. </div>
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<div>Today I did what a wonderful Drooler told me to do-she said Debbie--dont look down, look across---I did just what she said-and when I looked across-I felt like I could once again deal. The day turned wonderful.</div>
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<div>Drool to all in need!</div>
<div style="clear: both;"><font color="black" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><font color="black" size="2" face="arial">
<div>Debbie Winchester <br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to <br>
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, <br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake</div>
<div> Sister Bessie, The Younger</div>
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