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<DIV>Maggie went to the vet yesterday, no blood in the stool, took her off
the probiotics because she is broke out terrible, he said it was the
ingredients in the probiotics she has LOTS of red scaly lesions
again and losing lots of hair, so he put her back on 10 mg preds and
antibiotics just a vicious circle here, I cant bathe her three times
a week because of my bad shoulder, I virtually have no right arm, I
almost fell at the vets because the girls started pulling me to get out of
there,, thank God the vet techs helped me and took the girls out to my car
and put them in for me. I would never get that at my old vet
LOL Annie was excellent getting her nails cut, they
complimented me about how good she is , just sits there and lets them trim
not so much as a snarl,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I get up at least once a night to RE-cover my girls, our house is on
auto set back it gets down to about 60 in here, if the girls get cold they
come and get me, they each have their own blankie and they love them
I on the other hand, use a heated mattress pad flannel sheets and about 4
blankest and NO I will not share</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>My Annie likes to play this stupid game every night where she has a
rubber ball and she sticks that damn ball under the chair or the couch and wants
you to get it for her, Bill did it tonight and they look so funny Annies
wide butt sticking up in the air while she looks under the chair with her
daddy, she waits until he sits back down in his recliner and then she will
do it again</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Arlene, Thank You for Bills birthday card, he really liked
it, his reply was this " she is much nicer to me than you are !
" bwahahahahahahahah I might him a
chocolate cake, not for him but for me bwahahahahaah</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Marlene mommy to Maggie and Evil Annie</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>