<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Hi all, it's Snoopy here,</div><div><br></div><div>I have been through 4 classes so far at my school. But the stuff they teach I already know. Sit, Down, Leave it, Come .... I know that. The clueless momPerson signed me up because I am socially awkward. That is to say I ahrooo and lung at strange dogs. The first 3 classes the teacher had a box and if you ahrooo then a light comes on the box and your ears hurt. This last class she didn't use the box. I ahroooo'd. The Pit Bull barked right back at me. He's huge. It wasn't pretty. My class has a full size doberman, an 80 lb Pit, a standard Schnauzer, a Golden retriever, a Jack Russel and myself. I ahrooo'd at the doberman too. So, the teacher sent us each to our
own isle in the store to practice "come." But I already knew come. So momPerson took me to other isles to try socializing me. Some good and some less than good. If she does nothing then I charge up to the other dog and ahrooo. If they don't cower then I will lung too. NOT good. So then she tried approaching the other person instead. If the people are talking I wll ignore the other dog. Then she tried petting the other dog. If she pets the other dog then I will let the other person pet me. We went to the dog park yesterday. I was ok for a while and then I tried demanding the ball a German shepard was playing with and wound up on lead.</div><div><br></div><div>At home I have been better. I hadn't jumped on little Gracie for a couple of weeks and then bang, yesterday she got a box off of the counter and I jumped her for it. They had to squirt bottle me off of her. And
then today momPerson was sitting in a chair eatting an apple and Grace came between me and momPerson and I jumped on her and we were scrapping pretty good .... very loud and neither one of us would let go ..... seemed like it was going to be horrible but when they got us apart there were no injuried ... no lumps, no bumps, no nicks, no scrapes, nada.</div><div><br></div><div>Sometimes the clueless momPerson gets discouraged. I know I am better than I was 2 years ago when she adopted me, I know I am. But I am still the dickens and some days my behavior makes her sad. I have proven to be harmless but she says one of these days I am going to give her a heart attack with my antics.</div><div><br></div><div>More later from an apparently very naughty Snoopty with LuLu (who takes NOTHING off of me) and Gracie (who is starting to stand her ground)</div><div style="position:fixed"></div>