<div>The kitties got a new toy today. It has balls in it that go around a track and a catnip mouse. Marley thought it should be hers or at least she appointed herself head toy inspector. She was bound and determined to have a go at it. The mouse must have smelled good. Right now she is asleep next to me looking like little miss innocent. She is little miss grouchy. The each got a bone today and Maggie did not act like her usual bone collector self. She loves her bones. The other two don't care. </div>
<div> </div><div>Our family could use some drools and positive thoughts tomorrow and in the future. I won't go into it. Suffice it to say, there is a lot of stress and negative stuff going on. Thanks in advance. We will be ok. Life hasn't just given us lemons but a whole lemon orchard with no sugar. The girls have helped keep us sane. </div>
<div> </div><div>Thanks.</div><div>Julie and the Zoo</div>