<div dir="ltr">Sue and Dave Autry are a real bonus to being on the Drool. They happened to post something months ago about a vet clinic in the Melbourne area and that lead to many emails back and forth as they were so very concerned about our Pixel and her loss of sight.<div>
<br></div><div style>We finally met last week when we were at our condo in the Melbourne, FL area and Pixel and Browser practically followed them into the elevator when they left as they liked them so much. Bassets really know who loves them.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>Browser has been blind since six (he is now nine) from that nasty disease glaucoma. However, from almost the start, he has been upbeat and has not shown any change in his personality. We tried to save the one unaffected eye for a year with four different drops but our eye vet told us it was inevitable that one would go too. Browser never acted depressed and we would keep our depression under wraps and try to remain upbeat for him.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>Pixel lost her eyesight in one eye a year ago after a bout with another nasty disease, pancreatitis. This disease is on the rise as well and we have always fed our dogs low fat, organic food. Hard to say but she had just had the rabies shot, required every three years in FL. Our eye vet said because pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease, it can affect the eyes. Pixel is now 12 but she and Browser are unrelated. We are now trying to preserve as much sight as possible in her "good" eye with four different eye drops and our wonderful eye vet.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>So 2013 has brought us new "basset" friends and we wish all Droolers a wonderful year!</div><div style><br></div><div style>Bert, Sally, Pixel and Browser</div></div>