<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Hi it's Gracie,</DIV>
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<DIV>Wow, yesterday we had some weird stuff happen right here at our house and I wondered if anybody had every had anything like this happen so I'm writing to the droolers.</DIV>
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<DIV>I love apples and oranges and peaches and plums and bananas and green beans and artichokes and broccoli and asparagus and everything. And yesterday right there on the counter I saw two great big red round things so I figured those were apples. Daddy was in the shower so I jumped up there and grabbed those and took one into the living room to eat but when I bit it .... it squirted just like and orange. Huh? A red orange? We've had blood oranges and those are red on the inside but they still have an orange peel and this was not an orange peel is was a red peel. So I chewed some more to check and there was a million little tiny sections inside. Well, Snoopy said there are not a million there are 613. Apparently the number of sections in one of these is supposed to be the same as the number of mitzvot according to Snoopy (and the bible) so we split the thing apart and all started counting but we only
counted 608. So then we went to check the other one. We took that one up on the bed where the light was better and started counting but then Daddy came out of the shower and he took our apple/orange/thingy away and was very upset and called the clueless momPerson and she came home from work and messed with the rugs but we have no idea why because nobody peed.</DIV>
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<DIV>The thing turns out to be called a pomegranate and it has a peel and sections and is a tangy like an orange but is red and sweet like an apple and I highly recommend them but look out because the people fuss over all the juice.</DIV>
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<DIV>Snoopy has now achieved a formal education (obedience level 1) and has a diploma and a head as big as all outdoors and if you think he was hard to live with before you ain't seen nothing. </DIV>
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<DIV>More later from Gracie who wants to be a princess with Browyn and another pomegranate and an education and a diploma and her blankie and her purple rhino and a nap. NOW.</DIV>
<DIV>with Snoopy (she's a little upstart is what she is)</DIV>
<DIV>and LuLu (she might need a good konking)</DIV></div></body></html>