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<DIV>I can't begin to find the right words to Thank everyone for the out pouring
of encouragement and cyber hugs, when I logged on this
afternoon , there were 20 e mails from my drool family, It
sure lifted my spirits and I will personally answer each one of
them. I wish I had some news on my Maggie, but nothing yet. I
have been here most of the day except when I was having some medical test
done & therapy on my dead right arm. have to tell you a
story, when we went to pick up Maggie last night , Annie had to go
along, she was loss with out her sissy, she cried in my SUV
most of the way home, when we left Maggie, she kept going to the back
window and looking out and whimpering , all the way home, all 14 miles ! we went
in to the vets office and got our Maggie and Annie was SOOOOOOO
happy, so on the way out, there was a women walking her small Bichon
across the parking lot and the little dog made a bee line towards
MAGGIE, NOT GOOD Annie felt she was a threat and she pinned
the dog to the pavement, the women is screaming and her husband jumps out of his
car and starts towards me yelling, NOT GOOD again, Annie left him
know to back off man ! that's my mom all of this and I
only have one working arm, Maggie my sweet heart just sat down in
the parking lot, like GEEZ can we please go home now, I'm
starving. we parted ways, the man was NOT cordial, but the women
picked up her dog and said she was sorry</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Marlene mommy to Maggie and Evil Annie</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>