Two easy ways to help get money to our beloved basset rescues...<br><br>The usual Animal Rescue Site Voting - Vote Daily for 4 The Hounds Basset Rescue in Missouri (MO) They are still in first place for MO but another rescue is hot on their heels.<br>
<br><a href=""></a><br><br>***VOTE VOTE VOTE***<br><br>And the Gulf Bank Community Rewards Contest - Vote Daily for Looziana Basset Rescue. Contest runs through March 4. <br>
<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>VOTING INSTRUCTIONS:<br>
Click on the link above and select Looziana
Basset Rescue from the list, register your name and email, agree to the
terms and conditions and click VOTE! Please encourage your friends and
family to vote daily. You can also check out the Leaders to see who's
winning. In addition, please share this with all social media and cross
post on Facebook. LBR needs LOTS of votes to finish in the top
10....please help us accomplish this goal!! <br><br>***VOTE VOTE VOTE***<br><br>Remember we were going to vote for Loozinana Basset Rescue in the Shelter Challenge but they didn't meet the PetFinder Requirements so this is a great way to help them win $5,000. Keep your code that they email to you, and Vote Daily until 3/4/13!!!<br>
<br><br>Drool to all,<br>Kacy with Cowboy and Rupert<br>