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<div><font style="background-color: transparent;">~~~~~Well my friends the time has come~~~~~~</font></div>
<div>I am afraid it has arrived. Elder Clara and Little Bug have relocated. </div>
<div>1 Perch Place.</div>
<div>She gave no warning, but in Elder Clara style, she did things her way. If you ever met Clara, that was how she rolled. Her way.</div>
<div>She took her beloved perch, the celler phone, Bugs cottonball bed and packed up the buggie and moved to her new location where she said she was going to rest, play and enjoy all of the things she "built" while she was gate guard---Main Street, full of shops, the beach, a field of dreams, so many wonderful places that when you closed your eyes and believed, you could see them all------- She was proud of all she did, and took each and every passing more serious than anyone will ever know. She tried to add some humor to sad times, and let folks know that things at the bridge were so good, there was no worries, the hounds stayed busy and happy, but most of all healthy again. It was a overwhelming job, as Clara always did her best to write about all the hounds that passed on, and she thinks she got most all, she never missed anyone on purpose, they were all important.</div>
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<div>Elder Clara wants to send many extra thanks to some folks that helped us so along the way.</div>
<div>Mary Ann Thomas--her beloved Auntie that was our "spotter"---Mary Ann always checked the drool and sent us a notice of a passing--she kept us straight, always helping. That lady is just special.</div>
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<div>Val Brewer. Val made Clara the most beloved quilt that has ever been seen-- Val seen the same things Clara did, and she turned that vision into a beautiful quilt filled with all the shops, the gate, Clara and the buggie, the detail so perfect--hounds running everywhere, puppies flying--- how many times I have clutched it and cried--she said it was fun to make, wow-the work she put into it was massive. She told me it was mine to do what ever we wanted, we had thought of fundraisers, but somehow this turned into a gift I hold so dear of Clara, I have had trouble putting things together, I feel selfish on that, but maybe it was meant to be this way. Thank you Val, from the bottom of my heart.</div>
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<div>Elder Clara made one demand as she and Bug drove off to Perch Place---she was pretty bossy you know---</div>
<div>She said----</div>
<div>Don't Stop Believing!!!!</div>
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<div>~~~Let the music play on~~~~~~</div>
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<div style="clear: both;"><font color="black" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><font color="black" face="arial" size="2">
<div>Debbie Winchester <br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to <br>
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, <br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake</div>
<div> Sister Bessie, The Younger</div>
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