<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'><P><BR>I just had an extremely expensive (just shy of $1000) vet visit for Chester, who has bacterial pneumonia. Considering I thought I wasn't bringing him back home,</P>
<P>that was extremely good news at the time, and still is. He is to be on 2 different antibiotics for at least 6 weeks, and possibly most of the rest of his life.</P>
<P>The meds were about $450.00 to cover the first 2 weeks. When the vet called the next day to tell me the results of the radioligist looking at his xrays, I asked if I could get a prescription and maybe find the meds cheaper somewhere else, she said yes. But she also said they would probably price match what I find. Well, I found Zeniquin at Fosters and Smith for $140.00 and they charged me $238.00. The other one, Clavamox, I found for $168.00 and they charged $207.00, so that is a bit less offensive. It is OK to ask for a script, right? I mean, this is crazy. This is not my "regular" vet, but kind of an emergency vet that the rescue group I worked with used all the time. I feel kind of funny wanting them to write me a prescription, but my heck. What does everyone do? Just go with the vet price or </P>
<P>get stuff other places? Really wondering. </P>
<P> </P>
<P>Marilyn Briggs</P></div></body></html>