<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Hi all, Snoopy here,</DIV>
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<DIV>I have news. Big news. Yesterday LuLu played with a toy. And with ME. She has mouthed a braided toy from Auntie Wen once or twice but she's never actually played tuggy with one. Ever. And she has lived here for a YEAR. And there is more. Much more. You see, I am what some call socially awkward. What they mean is that I wasn't socialized when I was little. I mean, I was with my liter for a million years, and so my bites are so inhibited I can't even bite when I get REALLY, REALLY mad at Gracie so I stand on her and yell bloody murder. I've tried to bite but I just don't have the hang of it and momPerson says its because they left me with my liter too long and my bites are inhibited. But after I went to live with my mommy she didn't take me to play with other dogs. So when the clueless momPerson pulled me from the shelter at age 5 after mommy died and a bunch of other
(all bad) stuff happened I was socially awkward. I would play with Cyrus but I would get more and more and more worked up and couldn't calm myself back down. When LuLu came to live with us she would play with me and when I got too wound up she would run under Cyrus and stand there and dadPerson would say we had a double decker dog.</DIV>
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<DIV>Cyrus was the biggest, sweetest black lab you'd ever want to meet. He left us for the bridge without prior notice nor arrangement in his sleep on August 1. And LuLu hasn't really played with me since. She and Gracie will play when I'm not looking but if I come to join them they both stop. Because I am socially awkward. But there is BIG news. REALLY BIG news. Yesterday momPerson and dadPerson were talking in the kitchen and there was a commotion in the living room and it went on and on and the clueless momPerson came to investigate and LuLu and I were wrestling on the living room floor. Real gentle. Taking turns rolling half over and jumping up and running around and wrestling. And then I grabbed my best dinosaur and charged down the hall with it and LuLu chased me and I came running back and she grabbed a hold of the dinosaur and we played tuggy with my best dinosaur in the living room and
then we wrestled a little bit more and then we were tired and we slowed down and ..... I settled. And stopped hooting and howling. And sat down. All by myself. Well, with LuLu but still.</DIV>
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<DIV>That is my big news.</DIV>
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<DIV>More later from Snoopy</DIV>
<DIV>with Gracie (who hid the whole time because she is a scaredy cat)</DIV>
<DIV>and LuLu (who for once did not have to konk Snoopy to get him to back off)</DIV></div></body></html>