<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'><P><BR>If the mobile home park will let you (I know they all have rules), rig up something like a zip line. Get one of those screw-into-the ground things and put it out from the back door. Hook a line from back door to the holder (or to a shed or the fence, or something.) You can then put a leash on the line and Sadie can take herself out and in. Sorry if this isn't very clear, but a neighbor with an unfenced yard used to do this. Think of hooking a long leash to a clothes line and then the dog can</P>
<P>run up and down and has a fair size "area". Your mom can supervise from the doorway and make sure she doesn't bark, whatever. </P>
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<P>"I had to moved to new location from a home with 3 acres to a mobile home park with maybe 10 feet on either side. Sadie is not able to go out to walk the yard on her own. Must be on a leash. Mom not able to take her out or let go out. Sadie can hold her potty habits. She is just whining and crying all day till I get home. I was looking into the citronella barking collars to use. I'm asking all drools family members any thoughts on this. I realize this is a big change for Sadie to go through at the age 12 years old. I would appreciate any recommendations and suggestions."</P>
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<P>Marilyn Briggs</P></div></body></html>