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I took Gunter to the vet today, he was vomiting and had bloody diarrhea, I took him in right away. They did xrays and blood work and sent me to the emergency vet. My vet thought he was in torsion bloat, but the emergency vet said no. He was diagnosed with <span data-ft="{"tn":"K"}" id=".reactRoot[263].[1][2][1]{comment10151779697507818_10151784197462818}.0.[1].0.[1].0.[0].[0][2]"><span class="UFICommentBody" id=".reactRoot[263].[1][2][1]{comment10151779697507818_10151784197462818}.0.[1].0.[1].0.[0].[0][2].0"><span id=".reactRoot[263].[1][2][1]{comment10151779697507818_10151784197462818}.0.[1].0.[1].0.[0].[0][2].0.[0]">Hemorrhagic GastroEnteritis, and they were going to keep him so they could watch for bloat, he did have a lot of gas in his stomach and give him fluids. They called back around 8:30 and he was worse. They think he's septic, he's on antibiotics and his glucose level was so low he had a seizure. She said he isn't in pain and the next 12 hours are critical. We went to see him, and just got home a little while ago. Please send drool for my boy, he is my heart dog and just had his 7th birthday. Brian and I are both a mess right now. <br></span></span></span> </div></body>