Cowboy has also been shedding like crazy. He has a smooth tri-color coat and while he sheds a little bit year-round, he doesn't need a whole lot of brushing on a regular basis. But yes, lately he has been shedding tons and when I furminate him, the shedding never seems to end. Fur just keeps coming and coming. We finally bathed him on Sunday and that seems to have helped a little, but I think our early spring weather has sent him into molting mode. Until today we have not had any significant rain for a couple months and everything in the garden bloomed early as well, so that is all I can think of that could be causing it. <br>
<br>Good luck with Dollie's shedding. But I bet she is loving all the attention and brushing after years of not having any. <br><br>Kacy with Cow and Ru<br>Concord, Ca<br>