<div dir="ltr">Thank you Alexis! I keep trying to explain to Browyn that it is okay for Fairy Princesses to have attitude, but that does not mean you roll in the mud in your clothes! I realize that my Fairy Princess is a tom boy. I can accept that as well. That means she can roll in the mud. I just want her to do it in the nude. I hope this understanding comes with age. She is still on the young side--16 months. We all know that bassets can be rather slow to mature and she is not going to be one to see the brown truck anytime soon. <div>
<br></div><div style>I have to say as I am typing this that Browyn missed out on the primo spots on the couch this morning. So, she moved the dog bed...the big one...to a location more to her liking. This is par for the course and something I learned to deal with years ago. Her brother Beauford taught her this trick.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter or a great weekend!</div><div style><br></div><div style>Jennifer, momperson to Beauford, Bugsey, and Browyn the Fairy Princess</div></div>