<div dir="ltr">Deer Conley, Llewis, Nigel and tall blak dog wut likes sticks<div><br></div><div style>Dis be Boomer in Ideeho Falls. Me an fat doggs momma was on doze crunchies thingies last summer when her habs nee surgry...me tellin youze they not berry crunchie, theys hard metal you can braked youze toofies on...belieb you me I tried... but they do haves soft squishee fiingies on de tops and chewie fingies on the bottoms if you grabs on tite you can run away wif dem but dey hard to get out the doggee dore...but beewares, da momma can use dem to reech ober and get you wif dem,..our momma dun had surgry on her tumtum las week and hers won let me sit on hers lap, don know why im just a liddle lap doggie... pleeze say a pwayew for our kittie brover george, momma had to send him to da kitty bwidge today, he was attacked by a pit bully named karma that the hoobrudder brought home a few days ago... momma tol him she could ony stay a few daws til he founded her a new home or called the bully rescue...we twyed to save him but she wouldna let us neer him...da momma berry berry sad and hers eyes bee leakin ebery time she finks of georgie...she hopes he stopped by the basset bwidge and saw toby...she also berry wowied about zebra kitty him is georgies brudder and dey nebber been sepraded since da day dey be borned ate yers ago in her closet...ohoh me gots to go heer comes da momma.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>lubs and dwool to ebery buddy that needs it</div><div style><br></div><div style>Boomer and fat dog(hey my name is Cooper) wif Toby atb and smokey kitty and z kitty and georgie atb</div></div>