<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Hi all, Dale here,</DIV>
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<DIV>On Friday I took LuLu and Gracie to the dog park where we used to go with Cyrus. There was another basset there named Elvis and they had a glorious time, running and romping and playing like pups. It was adorable. There were a number of other dogs too and the 3 bassets looked like clowns romping with them but they had a great time. I was chatting with a woman I used to sit and chat with all the time. Turns out she lost her 8 1/2 year old big black dog (giant schnauser) about the same time I lost Cyrus. It was nice to be able to sit and relax and not have to prevent a dog from being rude to the other dogs (which was why I had left Snoopy at home).</DIV>
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<DIV>When I got home I took Snoopy to another dog park with fewer dogs, but he didn't do so well. He did a lot of yelling. He played by himself a bit, and allowed a smaller dog to sniff him, but there was a large golden there and he kept lunging at it and snapping .... he may have been trying to engage it in a game of chase but clearly it wasn't ok what he was doing (it was upsetting the other dog) so I leashed him up and took him for a walk. We saw a flock of geese and he was very curious but I noticed he didn't ahrooooo nor lung nor snap at the geese. I think he was a little afraid of them, so he was better behaved.</DIV>
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<DIV>That night my eldest was sleeping over at a friends house, so my youngest who is 13, my husband and myself went out for dinner. Snoopy was pretty snarky, he gets that way if it looks like I'm going somewhere. He tackled Gracie a couple of times and upset us all, even though he doesn't hurt her it is unsettling. So we confined him in the office until I grabbed my purse and keys. Once I got out the door Greg let Snoopy out and I was told that LuLu snarked at Snoopy and told him to behave.</DIV>
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<DIV>When we came home I walked Snoopy and Gracie first and OH! Snoopy was PILL. He was thrashing and screaming at everyone and everything, just unbelievable. I could hardly contain him on lead. I was past all patience when I got home with the little terror. I was just spent. Angry, upset, frustrated, you name it.</DIV>
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<DIV>On Saturday I asked Greg, and Natalie if they have ever felt overwhelmed by Snoopy, even to the point of doubting our decision to adopt him. Greg said YES, Natalie laughed at me and said OF COURSE. Now do NOT misunderstand, we LOVE Snoopy. Do NOT write to me and tell me you want Snoopy, you cannot have my little boy in a basset suit. He's a brat though, sometimes, and he pushes us to our limit and beyond.</DIV>
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<DIV>On Sunday Snoopy was the sweetest little boy on the face of the earth. Snuggling with LuLu. Kissing on Gracie. Laying down in a pile among them both. And then defering to the girls and sleeping on the dog bed in our room and letting LuLu and Gracie have the bed. Before bed Julianne (my oldest) was on the floor playing with him and he was doing his little thing where he uses his paws as hands and kneeds on you with them, just the sweetest little boy.</DIV>
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<DIV>This morning he was just adorable. Why, oh why, does he sometimes act like such a devil dog? And why do we love him so much in spite of all his shenanigans?</DIV>
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<DIV>The ever clueless momPerson who would really like to know.</DIV>
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<DIV>P.S. Anyone else have a schizophrenic basset?</DIV></div></body></html>