<font color='midnightblue' size='2' face='Comic Sans MS, sans-serif'>For the past couple of days our Delilah Belle hasn't been herself. She's been peeing and drinking more than usual and has seemed a bit sluggish. I'm thinking UTI but she has an appointment at the Vetspital in an hour an a half to be checked.. Lilah is also our lumpy-bumpy girl and yesterday I noticed that the largest one on her side seemed to be even bigger than usual so was going to discuss its removal. This morning after morning walkies, my hubby called to me to "come and see Delilah;she's bleeding!" Sure enough, her big cyst had ruptured. I cleaned her up and gently squeezed it to see if it would drain a bit more and a LOT of bloody mucus came out. So, I guess today's visit will include dealing with her lumpy self in a different way. She's also been intermittently limping on one of her back legs. Everything else seems to be okay; she's not knuckling under or unsteady on her feet but we will have this checked as well. <span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">If you can spare a bit of drool we'd sure appreciate it.</span>
<div>Sandi, Mamaslave to Delilah Belle and Dozer from NJ<br>