<div dir="ltr">Hi everyone! Browyn the Fairy Princess here. We have had a bit of excitement here. First we have bunnies! A momma rabbit had bunnies very near our front door. She had four of them. There is another adult running around as well, We don't know if it is a female or a male. Anyway, they come right up on the porch and peer in at us through the front door. So, Beauford, Bugsey and I bark at them and lunge on the door. This drives mom absolutely crazy. <div>
<br></div><div style>Then Wednesday night we had a tornado. We slept through it, but when we got up our second favorite tree was snapped in half and a section of the fence was down. Dad was happy though. The tornado was very nice all things considered. It blew the tree down on the fence and then picked it up off the fence and put it back in the backyard so dad wouldn't have to. We are very grateful that no damage was done to the house. We think the cold frame for the garden may be in Kansas. If any of you droolers find it, feel free to e-mail mom and she will pay for postage and trouble. </div>
<div style><br></div><div style>The worst part was we didn't have power for 12 hours. We live in the country. So, this means I had to eat my breakfast without hot water on it! I am a Fairy Princess! I demand routine! Mom didn't brush our teeth either because she didn't want to waste the water to rinse out the brushes. She wanted to save it for us to drink. I was NOT a happy camper. I thought about going on a food strike, but Beauford and Bugsey said they would eat my food and that is simply not exceptable! So, I made due and choked down my dry dog food (I didn't tell Browyn that I would never let the boys eat her food because they are VERY allergic to it--Jennifer). I helped dad cut the branches off the tree. He said I was a big help. He didn't make much progress because Beauford and Bugsey were being big helps too. We are going to have lots of great sticks to chew out of this! The only bad thing is we aren't allowed in the backyard without human supervision because mom thinks I might figure out how to get out of the fence. ME yep. The innocent Fairy Princess. I bet if I tried the boys would tell on me. They always do.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>Browyn, the Fairy Princess, Beauford (I saw a rabbit), Bugsey (I saw a rabbit too), and Jennifer (can we see a rabbit and not howl?!)</div><div style><br></div></div>