<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'><P><BR>Hi, Vicki</P>
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<P>Have had something similar to use with dogs who have had surgeries or had back issues. I personally am not that big a fan. You still have to lift their weight--and depending on your height (I am 5'7"), you have to bend over at a weird angle. It would be easier if you are just getting them into the car with that in one motion than to help a dog walk out into the yard using it. It doesn't really save your back that much. </P>
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<P>Also, if the dog is not cooperative and wiggles or struggles, you are in trouble. Most of mine can at least put their front feet up on the car, so then I can just boost them in. Chester, however, is blind and has a horrible time getting OUT. I cannot lift him. I cannot maneuver to get in place to lift him even if I could. </P>
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<P>I have a Subaru and now have steps to get into the back. I hurt one of my guys once lifting him in--he yipped and I think I hurt his rib--he was OK after a couple days, but that is when I got the steps. I would look for steps or a ramp before I used the sling. </P>
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<P>Marilyn Briggs</P>
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<P>From: Vikki Grauf <<SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT239 class=Object><SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT240 class=Object><FONT color=#00008b>fudgelady_vikki@att.net</FONT></SPAN></SPAN>><BR>To: "<SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT241 class=Object><SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT242 class=Object><FONT color=#00008b>dailydrool@lists.dailydrool.org</FONT></SPAN></SPAN>"<BR> <<SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT243 class=Object><SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT244 class=Object><FONT color=#00008b>dailydrool@lists.dailydrool.org</FONT></SPAN></SPAN>><BR>Subject: [Dailydrool] Pet Lift<BR>Message-ID:<BR> <<SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT245 class=Object><SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT246 class=Object><FONT color=#00008b>1371582011.61637.YahooMailNeo@web181302.mail.ne1.yahoo.com</FONT></SPAN></SPAN>><BR>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<BR><BR>I would like to travel more with my hound, but getting her in and out of the car is scary. I worry I will wrench my back or hers, so went to Ebay (always the first place I look for stuff) and found this sling thing, that identify as a "dog lift" and say it will work for a dog 100 pounds and under. I'm posting a link, hope that's ok, and thought I would get other Drooler's opinion on it.<BR><SPAN id=OBJ_PREFIX_DWT247 class=Object><A href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/BRAND-NEW-DURABLE-POLYCANVAS-DOUBLE-HANDLED-PET-LIFT-/310183105737?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item48385a94c9" target=_blank><FONT color=#00008b>http://www.ebay.com/itm/BRAND-NEW-DURABLE-POLYCANVAS-DOUBLE-HANDLED-PET-LIFT-/310183105737?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item48385a94c9</FONT></A></SPAN><BR>-------------- next part --------------<BR></P></div></body></html>