<font color='midnightblue' size='2' face='Comic Sans MS, sans-serif'>'Tis I, Delilah Belle of NJ. Yesterday Mama and Daddy tooked me to the vetspital to get the black stringy-things removed from my owie spots. Dr. H. says I am healing nicely and that I was a very GOOD girl not to lick or chew at them. Well, of course not. They were not treats or anything good to eat. I have been limping from time to time, mostly when I get up after a nap. He checked me out and said he thinks I have a bit of arthritis in my knee or hip joint. Then he had the audacity to point out that it's not easy to check out Basset bone structure as it is "abnormal" to begin with. Well! I never heard such sacrilege! My bone structure is just fine, thank you! I am not dragging my foot or knuckling under, whatever THAT means so he's not concerned about my back. So, Mama is upping the dose of my StemPet treats and giving me a Rimadyl on really limpy days. It seems to feel worse when it is sticky outside. Now that the air conditioning units are in the windows I feel better.
<div>Too many houndies making their way to the Bridge. Heart healing drool to their slaves. And healing drool to all who need it. </div>
<div>Elwood - it's not nice to stress our Mama Debbie like that. No more eating of random stuff...</div>
<div>Snoopy - We know about food aggressive Bassets. Our Dudley was and we quickly learned to feed him separately so he didn't worry about any of the rest of our crew grabbing HIS food. I'm not sure how he's doing now. Don't know whether this is still a problem for Auntie Melinda Robison. where he and Daisy live now. Time to check.</div>
<div>Hope everyone is safe, dry and reasonably cool. Lots of hot, humid weather here in NJ with afternoon thunderstorms which bring a lot of noise but not much rain. Supposed to turn cooler by the weekend.</div>
<div>Hugs and snooters,</div>
<div>Sandi, Mamaslave to Delilah Belle and Dozer of NJ</div>
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