.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'><font face="Comic Sans MS">I walked into our local pub on Friday night with Morse at my heels, who immediately fixed the barmaid with The Look, as she gives out gravy bones. There was a bloke sitting at the bar with a sweet springer spaniel at his feet, and he looked suspiciously and somewhat bitterly at Morse and then turned to me with what I can only describe as a truculent expression on his face. "A dog like that came into my kitchen a while ago and stole my steak". He just said it like that, just a bald statement out of the blue. He was a total stranger to us, so I looked at Morse and then back at the him and murmured "er, I don't think it was my dog.....?" He shook his head. "No, it was a neighbour's friend with one of them dogs. Came into the house, I was about to eat my dinner, and he stood on his back legs and whipped the steak off the table". He glared belligerently at me as though he was waiting for an apology from me on behalf of bassets everywhere. So I gleefully informed him that this is something bassets are known for and is called counter cruising. I have to say he looked hugely unimpressed and continued to look bitterly at us both. We took our leave. Ah well, some people just aren't enlightened. </font><BR><font face="Comic Sans MS"></font> <BR><font face="Comic Sans MS">Becky, Morse and Pumbaa ATB</font><BR><font face="Comic Sans MS"><br id="FontBreak"></font><br><br> <BR> </div></body>