<div dir="ltr"><div>Of note: Adm. JED howled ahoooo! with laughter at the image Rastus, the bee, and the houndservant. A very good tale indeed.</div><div><br></div>Ahoy Gareis brigade--Adm. JED sends his drool to augment that already sent to brother who suffers. Adm. JED knows waaaay too much about cancer from observation. Hateful. But drool is mighty powerful, Adm. says.<div>
<br></div><div>Ahoy Adm. Bo--Adm. thanks PBF again for adjunct duty in Sonoma County. Admires Adm. Bo's rigorous night patrol, but worries he is missing day patrol! Adm. JED was going to suggest melatonin and/or benadryl, but experienced Medics have weighed in. Adm. JED sends best wishes to Adm. Bo (and is quite impressed by Adm. Bo's slave's devotion to duty).</div>
<div><br></div><div>Houndservant must report that Adm. JED lived up to his nickname the other night, snatching a small piece of sliced onion off of the galley floor (Houndservant was trying to make a cheeseburger, which Adm. JED does not approve. "My food is my food; your food is my food; ALL food is MY food, because I Love Food!" That is Adm.'s command. His lightening speed comes to the fore when Houndservant attempts to consume food Adm. is not invited to share. "A good sailor must move fast as a Mongoose," Adm. says. Houndservant looks forward to Adm's elder years (in about 9 years-Adm. is the youngest Adm. in the Sonoma Admiralty. Also the only, which helps him be the youngest.). Perhaps he will slow down. (Adm. just snickers, thinking Houndservant does not notice.) </div>
<div><br></div><div>At any rate. Houndservant is aware of the dangers of nasty onion to hounds, but wonders (sort of informationally, because Adm. JED shows no ill effect): how much onion is cause for a trip to the Emergency Sick Bay/Vetspital?</div>
<div><br></div><div>We appeal to Droolers with expertise, of which there are many, many, many on this list. (Houndservant is grateful.)</div><div><br></div><div>Leftenant Lea Pierce/Houndservant to Adm. JED "Snatch" Basset/Admiralty Sonoma/PBF</div>