<div dir="ltr">Adm. JED quite concerned for Houndservant Debbie; slinging healing Naval Drool every which way as he paces the deck. <div><br></div><div>Please convey entire Sonoma Admiralty's well wishes. Houndservant stood watch over mate who battled the disease, understand the toll it takes. Time to tell tall Hounds Magestic tales and sing (er, ahrooo! rooo! rooo!) for diversion perhaps?<div>
<br></div><div>Being relatively new to the World Basset Union (WBU), Houndservant not nearly as experienced as others serving officers and enlisted in HMS--however, wonders if Violetta's discomfort is part and parcel with adjusting to new surroundings? </div>
<div><br></div><div>Houndservant does provide temporary quarters for Golden Gate Basset Rescue officers and enlisted troops-7 to date since last May. Houndservant notes that every Hound Majestic garrisoned here takes (at least) 2 weeks to learn the parade grounds and daily routine. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Several temporary troops moo'd, whimpered, and otherwise fussed until figuring out that 1) meals were on time and tasty; 2) big basset belly rubs were always forthcoming. Houndservant very nervous in the beginning. Did not help troops (or Houndservant).</div>
<div><br></div><div>Adm. JED wishes Violetta and momperson comfort in this difficult time. </div><div><br></div><div>On the Sonoma Admiralty Front: Adm. JED wishes this news to be kept to Droolers (who have authorized clearance): Pacific Basset Feet has reassigned Adm. to serve (also) the World Basset Union-Basset Intelligence Group (WBU-BIG) as a SPY to help guard against enemies fureign and domestic.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Adm. greatly honored. Daily Drool his primary source for actionable intelligence.</div><div><br></div><div>Leftenant Lea Pierce/Houndservant to Adm. JED "Snatch" Basset</div><div>Sonoma Admiralty/Pacific Basset Feet</div>
<div>Hounds Majesty's Service/Golden Gate Basset Rescue</div></div></div>