<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div style="RIGHT: auto">Hi it's Gracie and I'm being ripped off,</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">My gotcha day is coming up. Now mommy says my gotcha day is 9/11 which is when she signed a stupid form and sent it someplace. But actually she came to get me on August 12, she got me from a big wire pen and she got there at 4:35 and they said if she didn't get there by 5 that was IT ..... whatever IT is ..... well she got there at 4:35 but they didn't think she was coming apparently because they didn't eval me and they didn't even give me a rabies shot and they acted real surprised when she showed up and they just said, sure, take her, oh and take that other one too .... it's a basset too .... take it or thats IT for the other one. So she took us both so it wouldn't be IT and then a nice lady named Susan drove all the way from Oakland to get that other one cause mommy only had room for one foster, not two, but she didn't want that other girl to have them say that's IT .... <VAR id=yui-ie-cursor></VAR>this was
all on 8/12.</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">9/11 is when she signed the stupid form and said nobody could take me from her house. Well, there wasn't going to be anybody take me from this house, I already told her on the 2nd day I did NOT want to be for adoption and I AM a princess and what I say goes and I am staying. It just took her a month to catch on cause she's clueless.</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">So she says my gotcha day is coming but I say it's already passed and she missed it. And the real rip off is that LuLu's birthday is 4/8 so the rescue coordinated her adoption so her birthday and her gotcha day are the same day, and we don't know when my birthday is so mommy says my birthday and my gotcha day will be the same day. But Snoopy has his birthday on June 28 but his gotcha day is Jan 12 and he gets to celebrate TWICE but us girls only get one .... no fair, no fair, no fair, no fair.</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">And wait, just wait it gets worse. Snoopy and LuLu have a special store in Los Gatos. The designer doggie store called Bow Wowzer where they have designer leads and collars and london broil jerky and all ..... and they always get to go there on their special day and I've been waiting for my turn ...... and it CLOSED, they CLOSED it and it's gone and I don't get my turn.</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">Love,</div>
<div style="RIGHT: auto">Gracie who is really, really mad</div></div></body></html>