<div dir="ltr">Hi Everyone! It is me Browyn the Fairy Princess and boy do I have a story to tell, but first I want to let everyone know that we are SO happy we got to hear from Debbie. We are still reeling from the death of Basil. I just want everyone to know that I have the brothers Beauford and Bugsey on full drool production, I am sending snooter kisses, and the mom is praying her heart out for all the sick members of the drool and people who have lost hounds lately. It is just so very sad. <div>
<br></div><div>Now to the story. Apparently I am in BIG trouble. First I have been SO bored with everyone in our house being bums from the allergy season. So, I decided to start adding some fun to the equation. I started getting everyone up at 4:00 in the morning to play. The mom and dad were not impressed. Come to think of it, the boys weren't too impressed either. Anyway, the dad decided to send me to the vet aunties for a few days so he could catch up on some much needed sleep. Before I left though, I put 5 of Bugsey's stuffed animals in the hospital. The mom was really not happy with that, but it is football season. That is when all the healing of the stuffed animals and the mending takes place. So, I don't see what the big deal is.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Anyway, off I go to the vet aunties with Beauford and Bugsey. I got to share a crate with Bugsey so I wouldn't cry, and I didn't. They all said I did very good. One of the aunties who isn't there very often called me Brownie and he. Can you believe it?! She also tried to feed me my food without any warm water, but I just stared at her and then went to the sink. She caught on quick. The mom called in to see how we were doing and informed her that I was a she and a Fairy Princess and that my name was Browyn, not Brownie.</div>
<div><br></div><div>When mom came to pick us up, she was told that I had tapeworm. That is when I got ratted out. The mom said I couldn't have tapeworm because I didn't have fleas, and I don't! They checked all three of us and didn't find a single flea! That is when they asked if I had eaten any rabbits. Well, there are three little bunnies that mom hasn't seen lately. Yep, I munched them up when she wasn't looking and before they screamed so much that mom noticed I had them and took them away. The mom has very mixed feeling about this. I say, "Excuse me! I am a basset. I was bred to hunt rabbits!" The mom said, "Yeah, HUNT them, not EAT them." The scale proved that I have been finding LOTS of extra snacks in the backyard. So now I am on this thing called a diet. I am not very happy. Mom says she doesn't care. My name is Browyn and I am a Fairy Princess and I should be shaped like one, not a pumpkin. Humph! Then they told her that I had been peeing a lot. So we had to catch a urine sample and test it. It was clear and I don't have vaginitis. They thought maybe Bugsey had been licking on me. Eww! Bugsey doesn't do that. He is just a snuggle bug. He doesn't clean me up...ever. Anyway, mom said while she is on the table, please look in her ears. Well, they were all red and the right one is infected. The vet told her she could have free experimental medicine. So, she turned me into a guinea pig for being such a brat lately! The mom says I will survive, She looked over the medicine really well and she thinks it is going to work. We will have to see if she is right or not.</div>
<div><br></div><div>That is all! Everyone have fun and try to stay cool. It is supposed to be really hot today. I almost forgot. I also figured out how to crawl under the fence to steal hazelnuts. That really made the dad mad. Anyway, take care! Envelope yourself in the boys drool, imagine my snooter kisses and bask in the mom's prayers for healing and peace if you need to.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Browyn the Fairy Princess with Beauford, Bugsey and the mom, Jennifer</div></div>