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<div dir="ltr">Would you like to help the Hounds and drink some fantastic coffee at the same time? Here is the way!!<br> <br>From now until October 6th if you order Sweet Daisey Mae's Cookies And Cream Dream coffee from MoonDoggie Coffee Roasters and mention Michigan Basset Rescue or MBR or even Daisey Mae Tribute on your order form I will donate $5.00 per One Pound Bag to Michigan Basset Rescue up to a total of $300.00. At the same time Donna has agreed to donate $5.00 from each bag of the Daisey Mae blend to MBR also. WAIT......if you have another blend you would prefer and mention MBR, Donna will donate 20% of the proceeds to MBR. PLEASE help out our homeless and abused long eared friends and drink some FANTASTIC coffee at the same time.<br> <br>Thank you for your help;<br>Daisey Mae (ATB), Barney and Mollie Mae.......Oh Dad too!!</div></div></div></div></div></div>