<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Sorry Snoopy. I can't guarantee that Gracie will slow down. Cowboy turned 7 in August and seems to be becoming more and more brazen with his thievery. He is particular to used kleenex in the bathroom trash cans, and he has not problem taking them right in front of us. Even staring at us as we tell him NO and then continuing to grab said trash until we pull him out of the bathroom, empty the garbage can, or close the bathroom door. He really is the dickens, as you would say. <br>
<br></div>Re: Food theft<br><br></div>The dadslave works nights as a bartender so occasionally I make a dinner plate for him and leave it in the oven. Last week I left it on the counter. Luckily the boys couldn't reach it, but when I came home from a quick run, I found the kitchen trash can pushed clear to the other side of the room. Appears they may have been attempting to tip it over but instead just pushed it around. Either that, or they were going to use it as a step stool to obtain the dinner plate on the counter. But I don't even want to consider that as a possibility or I am in real trouble. <br>
<br></div>The older they get, the more gutsy they get about stealing and the broader their palate becomes. I've always had to worry about meat. That's easy. If I leave a steak or a chicken on the counter, I can expect at least a 50% chance of losing said meat product to the hounds. However, I've never had to worry about breads and sweets, etc until the past few months. Last week two cornbread muffins had large bite marks from them when I went to move them from a cooling rack on the counter, to a storage container. And then, on Sunday night and entire caramel-filled candy bar disappeared, wrapper and all. I found only the 7-11 bag and an empty butteringer wrapper (which the DH had already consumed) on the floor. Of course, my Caramelo bar was MIA. Whoulda thought?!<br>
<br></div>Guess we need to start being better about guarding all food. These boys sure aren't afraid of our scolding and empty threats. <br><br></div>Drool to all,<br>Kacy with Cowboy and Rupert<br></div>