<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Hi, Droolers - I m trying to catch up on my DD's. Tired from my radiation treatments but I'm over halfway done with them, so I'm not complaining.</div><div>Sounds like there are many sick houndies out there, and we're hoping and praying that they recover soon - Einstein: keep a stiff upper lip! It was good to read about Susan and the Tank Hounds - we've been on the DD since around 2000, so I remember those infamous hounds. Zoey is still</div><div>grabbing Kleenex, paper towels and napkins whenever she can - short as she is, she can reach the countertops. We've treated them w/hot sauce,</div><div>tabasco, etc. but she still gobbles it up. The two beagles are still with us. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. I want to thank everyone
for</div><div>the wonderful cards, good wishes, pkgs of goodies, all the good wishes I've received since this cancer was discovered last August. All the tests and then</div><div>the treatments really can take a lot out of one - but hearing from all of you has truly been a saving grace. I can't tell you all how much I</div><div>appreciate your caring concern. I truly thank Dog for the Daily Drool. Best wishes to all - and stay well! Beryl & Zoey</div></div></body></html>